What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

What’s in a name? Everything! From a very young age, we are taught to show respect to others when we are addressing them. When speaking with or responding to people, we use words such as Ma’am, Sir, Mr., Mrs., or Miss as a display of courtesy and respect. This rule of...
My First CNA Fest

My First CNA Fest

Oh the places we can go! I hope to see all of us go to NAHCA CNA Fest 2023 in Little Rock, Ark! We can come together as CNAs to share our passion and celebrate our achievements. For those of you who have been to CNA Fest, let’s feel that excitement again and...
Did Someone Say Adventure?

Did Someone Say Adventure?

January is the month to celebrate National Activity Professional Week! This year, it’s celebrated from Jan. 23 to 27, with theme of “Adventure Awaits.” The National Association of Activity Professionals has an entire week of webinars and activities...

Get Involved Today

For many years now I’ve been serving as a coach to the frontline of long term care. There are many ways for you to engage in NAHCA, especially if you’re one of those people that often sit in the break room or have been known to say nobody listens and...