Pets ‘Fur’ People

Pets ‘Fur’ People

My family and I were recently blessed to bring a puppy into our home. Paul Anka is adorable and fluffy, and he has already brought so much joy and energy into our lives. Cuddling and playing with him, I am reminded about how much pets mean to us and what role they can...
Career Opportunities Abound for CNAs

Career Opportunities Abound for CNAs

I firmly believe that CNAs could do anything they want to do. They are resourceful, passionate, and resilient. They are able to juggle numerous tasks at once and can pivot quickly from one thing to another. So I was pleased to talk with NICE’s Cindy Frakes and NAHCA...
The Invisible CNA

The Invisible CNA

One of many things that was so wonderful about our recent CNA Fest is that it put a real focus on CNAs and gave them an exclusive opportunity to be seen, heard, and celebrated. But how many of you went home and back to work and felt invisible? There are many reasons...