CNA Week is here, June 13th – 19th is our time to shine. So, let’s talk a little about how to celebrate. Typically, we expect our employers to show us appreciation and celebrate our profession and a lot of first line caregivers are heartbroken, because this doesn’t happen. My question is, why do we allow ourselves to be disappointed every year? Well, it’s time for US to
There is no law, policy or written rule that you, the CNA, cannot take charge of celebrating your profession. Why should anyone other than us take the lead in our one time a year recognition? Peer recognition and appreciation is becoming more and more meaningful to co-workers than the lip service rendered from the workplace hierarchy.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, where do I start, how much will it cost, and how do I get people involved? All these are legitimate questions. For example, when I approached my manager about CNA Week where I work, she told me it was peer driven, so I got to work planning activities and you can too. This doesn’t mean you have to celebrate at the workplace, if you feel more comfortable, take the celebration outside of work or a combination of both.
Anytime a celebration is in the making, you need that one person who is the take charge person to initiate the plans and oversee the event. If you’re that person or maybe a person who knows someone who will take control and you’re reading this, here are ideas and options that can help you plan a successful and fun CNA Week.
Potluck – Pick a day during the week to ask all of your co-workers to bring a dish and set it up at lunch time or supper time depending on what shift you work and enjoy a meal. Granted everyone may not get to sit down and eat together but together you all came together to celebrate one another.
Adopt-a-CNA – Have your co-workers write their name and things they might like to have for a gift, (set a spending limit) then place them in a decorated box and have them draw a name, then on CNA day everyone brings their gift for the person they adopted.
This way everyone who wants to participate gets a gift of appreciation from a co-worker.
Outing – Plan a day when a group can go out either after work or a day off that week and go out to eat, movies, bowling, spa day, picnic at the park, swimming. This allows camaraderie among your peers which builds a strong foundation for teamwork.
Theme – Want a theme for CNA Week well, NAHCA has you covered, every year NAHCA selects a theme, song and creates a video that is downloadable that speaks to the dedication of the first line caregivers no matter the setting you work in. You can share the video with your peers or play it during your potluck either way this video will touch their hearts the way they touch the hearts of those they care for.
Watch the video here:
Merchandise – A lot of people like to have merchandise to wear on the actual CNA Day, well NAHCA also has your back with this option, we have an online pro-shop that will carry themed merch for CNA Week. How cool to walk in on CNA Day together with matching shirts or other swag. Either way you’re making a statement that together you’re awesome and a team and nothing is going to bring you down. It also displays loud and clear how proud you are of your peers and your profession and can be worn throughout the year.
Let’s stop being heartbroken and disappointed every year and celebrate ourselves and each other for another year of loving, caring and being there for our patients and each other.