by Lori Porter | Jan 7, 2020 | Stories
by Lori Porter, NAHCA Contributor If someone were to ask me to pick one word that best describes any success that I’ve had, it’s easy for me to come up with that one word. It’s perseverance. There have been a lot of potholes, a lot of roadblocks, a lot of...
by Lori Porter | Dec 22, 2019 | Stories
by Lori Porter, NAHCA Contributor What’s my value? What am I worth. What are you worth? Chances are you’re worth far more than you ever thought you were. I never thought I was worth much. I was JUST a nurse’s aide. And then along the way I met JUST...
by Lori Porter | Dec 15, 2019 | Stories
by Lori Porter, NAHCA Contributor Long term care is one of the most regulated businesses in the world, and I want to make sure you understand what I’m saying. I’m not saying health care is. I’m saying long term health care skilled nursing is the most...
by NAHCA Contributor | Dec 2, 2019 | Stories
by Raymond Beavers, NAHCA Contributor There are several ways for you to recruit and retain quality CNAs for NAHCA, one of the biggest ways to recruit new CNAs to join NAHCA is social media. I believe that a great CNA that shares posts, creates new posts and shares...
by NAHCA Contributor | Nov 27, 2019 | Stories
by Gwenell Hill, NAHCA Contributor The numbers we need are outstanding, especially considering the turnover rate we have now. No matter how big the numbers are, we must reach them to give our elders the care they need and deserve. The main way to do this is recruit...
by NAHCA Contributor | Nov 18, 2019 | Stories
by Drake Taylor, NAHCA Contributor The healthcare field as a whole is rapidly growing and CNA’s are the army/warriors to our team. Working as a Certified Nurse’s Assistant is not just a job, it is truly a passion. As front-line staff, we are the eyes and ears for both...
by NAHCA Contributor | Nov 11, 2019 | Stories
by Jamie Muse Brown, NAHCA Contributor I didn’t grow up like any other ordinary child. I have been through heartache after heartache and I could go on and list all of them, but there is one story I have to tell. This story shaped who I am as a person and hopefully it...
by NAHCA Contributor | Nov 4, 2019 | Stories
by Terrisita Stewart, NAHCA Contributor As with any profession, the way to attract job recruits and increase retention is mostly achieved through monetary value. CNAs want to be paid for all the hard work they do. CNAs should be receiving more than minimum wage since...