by Sherry Perry | Sep 7, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education, CNA Stress
Service recovery in healthcare is a process designed to identify where service has failed the customer, then rectifying the issue to regain trust and loyalty from the customer which will keep them returning to your company for the care they are seeking. So, put in a...
by Lisa Sweet | Aug 21, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education
You’ve probably seen the commercial on TV. Happy older adults talking about their plans for the summer and fall and the fun things they’ll do. Then the screen gets dark, and a dire warning appears about the dangers of RSV to people over 60. You may be wondering what...
by Sherry Perry | Aug 2, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education, CNA Fest, CNA Stress
Loneliness and isolation are felt by millions of people everyday, even with the population in the United States now estimated at 335.1 million, according to the US Census Bureau. Unfortunately, feeling alone, isolated, disrespected, unappreciated, and unrecognized is...
by Sherry Perry | Jul 1, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Stress, Get Involved
What’s in a name? Everything! From a very young age, we are taught to show respect to others when we are addressing them. When speaking with or responding to people, we use words such as Ma’am, Sir, Mr., Mrs., or Miss as a display of courtesy and respect. This rule of...
by Sheena Bumpas | Jun 1, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Fest, Get Involved
Oh the places we can go! I hope to see all of us go to NAHCA CNA Fest 2023 in Little Rock, Ark! We can come together as CNAs to share our passion and celebrate our achievements. For those of you who have been to CNA Fest, let’s feel that excitement again and...
by Karren Ganschinietz | May 3, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education
This subject is very important to me on so many levels. I was born with a congenital (a disorder present at birth) hearing birth defect. My childhood consisted of ear infections, multiple surgeries, and special hearing classes throughout my schooling. At different...
by Sheena Bumpas | Apr 2, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education
April is Autism Awareness month. So you may see a blue porch light or multi-colored puzzle pieces, both of which have become symbols for autism support and awareness. These things are important because they get the conversation started. I begin with the history and...
by Karren Ganschinietz | Mar 16, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education, CNA Fest, CNA Stress, CNA Week
While traveling recently, I was lucky enough to get a window seat. After takeoff, I noticed how I could see pieces of land, water, and what look like mountains. I was amazed by how they all came together, kind of like little puzzle pieces, each having its own corner...