Did You Have Water Today?

Did You Have Water Today?

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we all had the ability to remember everything we needed to? CNAs in long-term care (LTC) settings have so many people they are responsible for taking complete care of these days, it is virtually impossible to remember...

I’m not old, I’m Seasoned

Career CNAs is the foundation in which this profession is built from. A solid foundation will keep things standing through the most horrible of storms. So why are the older CNAs never talked about? Companies seem to forget about them because they have been around so...

Does One Size Really Fit All

Being a 30 year CNA, I have seen a number of changes and trends in elder care over the years.  Most of them we adapt to and the changes become part of our routine.  However, there is a current tendency that is causing me concern for the safety of both the...