Redefining CNAs
Allow your voice to be heard in a Qualitative Study to Explore Interventions CNAs Employ to Improve Outcomes of Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities.
My name is Zipporah Burns. I am a doctoral student at Colorado Technical University. I have worked in Long-Term Care as a CNA for over twenty years before I moved into administration and have seen the changes in the industry that targets Long-Term Care in Long-Term Care Facilities. I am seeking your input in my doctoral study. I am conducting a voluntary survey to collect data supporting my dissertation titled Improving CNA outcomes in Long-Term Care. I have developed a survey link below to collect effective feedback in changing the concept of Certified Nursing Assistants in Long-Term Care that would improve training/education, compensation, staffing, performance, and productivity. If you meet the following criteria:
- Active on your State Registry
- Have Minimum of a Year Experience and Training in Long-Term Care
- Active and Employed in Long-Term Care Facility
- Knowledge of Activities Daily Living (ADL) Tasks and Patient-Centered Care
I ask for your cooperation in ensuring the data collection is effective and efficient to benefit Certified Nurse Assistants. Would you be so kind as to participate in the survey needed to improve the interventions CNAs employ daily? The survey would take about fifteen minutes to complete. Click on the link below. If you agree to phone interviews, it will be a minimum of forty-five minutes but no more than one hour duration via zoom and will be scheduled according to the participants availability.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at