by Karren Ganschinietz | May 3, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education
This subject is very important to me on so many levels. I was born with a congenital (a disorder present at birth) hearing birth defect. My childhood consisted of ear infections, multiple surgeries, and special hearing classes throughout my schooling. At different...
by Sheena Bumpas | Apr 2, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education
April is Autism Awareness month. So you may see a blue porch light or multi-colored puzzle pieces, both of which have become symbols for autism support and awareness. These things are important because they get the conversation started. I begin with the history and...
by Karren Ganschinietz | Mar 16, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education, CNA Fest, CNA Stress, CNA Week
While traveling recently, I was lucky enough to get a window seat. After takeoff, I noticed how I could see pieces of land, water, and what look like mountains. I was amazed by how they all came together, kind of like little puzzle pieces, each having its own corner...
by Sheena Bumpas | Feb 22, 2023 | Career CNA, CNA Education
I work as a CNA and a preceptor on the morning shift. When I train new CNA’s, I have to slow down to teach them as we go. However, working in a memory care unit can be very eventful, and it can be stressful at times. We all know it is almost impossible to give...
by Sheena Bumpas | Dec 14, 2022 | Career CNA, CNA Education, CNA Stress
December is here. For me this month brings kids being out of school for two weeks, lots of families visiting my residents for the holiday, and — of course — the joy from the most wonderful time of the year! In many parts of the country, December also...
by Joanne Kaldy | Nov 16, 2022 | CNA Education, grieving
I remember in college losing my childhood pet – a cat named Tiger. I only got to see him on Christmas and Spring breaks, but I had grown up with him and was devastated. Something similar sometimes happens to long-term care facility residents. They have pets that they...