It is a very difficult task to retain and recruit quality CNAs. Everyone knows someone so sharing the positive encounters with family and friends can help spread the word. When you share with others how you make a difference in the lives of others maybe they too will want to seek gratitude in their own lives. Each person you share your positive stories with will share those stories with others and somewhere along the road others are going to want to be a part of this amazing field touching the lives of others.
Some may choose to make it a full-time career and others may just do it part time but the most important thing is getting the word out and letting others know how rewarding this career can be. It takes a special person to be a CNA.
Yes, some days are difficult but the days when your able to be there for someone who truly appreciates your hard work make the day moments and times fade away and leave you with everlasting memories and happy stories that you can continue to pass on to family, friends and strangers.
When we see a new aide, we don’t need to intimidate them we need to welcome them and show them the ropes.
Anyone can become a CNA, but we want the best. The only way to accomplish this is by training them to do the job when we are not around or no longer to do the job. Therefore, we need to share with them the tips and secrets we have learned along the way to make their jobs easier not harder.
Think about it a lot of time when you start a new career people act like they are unavailable, and you feel left out. Let’s change that mentality and work to get. Let’s help them be the best that they can be. Let’s give them all the tools and make friends with the welcome them as CNA and let them know how important they are to our team.
Let’s give them a rundown of the residents and staff members and where to find things like supplies, the break room and so forth. They are just as important to our team as we are. Let’s follow up with them on regular a basis to see how things are going so we can fix the problem(s) before they become overwhelmed and want to quit. Let’s give out compliments when they deserve them even for the little things that they do like stopping to see how someone is doing.
Let’s let them know they are doing a great job and if they need redirecting follow it up with something positive that you saw or heard about them doing. Don’t be afraid to give out compliments. Retaining and recruiting new staff starts with us. Let’s be the move to be something great! Let’s recognize how important everyone is and show them through simple acts of kindness like compliments.