Celebrate CNA Week Toolkit
This year, CNA Week 2024 is from June 13th to June 19th. With the theme of “We’ll Be There For You” NAHCA created this toolkit for CNAs and for the skilled nursing centers, assisted living communities, and staffing and home health agencies they work for so that everyone can celebrate, recognize, and pay their respects to the incredible work that the nearly 1 million-strong contingent of frontline heroes does everyday for elders and people with disabilities.
The last four years mark an incredible moment in history for CNAs, who have had an incredibly positive impact on older adults and those who work in and manage nursing homes, assisted living communities, and in home care.
This toolkit is designed for all providers to use in celebrating their healthcare heroes via social media and throughout their centers.
CNA Week: Social Media Images
Below, you’ll find social media posts to use for your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as a banner you can display at your buildings. Each file is downloadable and sized appropriately.
CNA Week: Featured Apparel & Swag
Exclusively made to celebrate CNA Week in style with shirts, hoodies, tumblers, and coffee mugs!
CNA Week: Book “
This wonderful easy to read book has stories that are faced by caregivers around the world on a daily basis.

Lori tells them in a way that allows all readers to enjoy and understand the great dedication and love that is shared between the elderly and those who care for them.
Each chapter concludes with a Life’s Lesson. This is the important message that each real life story demonstrates. The stories communicate this message through humor, tears, laughter and empathy.
Available on Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback.
CNA Week: Webinars
Virtual trainings about topics that matter to our hero’s on the front lines of health care.

People may not remember everything you say, but they remember how your words made them feel. This program will talk about how microaggressions, a subtle and often unintentional form of prejudice or judgment, can hurt people and negatively impact your relationships with your colleagues, patients, family members, and friends.

Don’t wait for others to advocate for you or cheer you on! Self-advocacy is the best way to let others know why and how you are an essential member of the care team. In this program, we’ll talk about how you can set and reach your professional goals and make sure others know how they can engage your skills and abilities to maximize quality care.
CNA Week: Key To Quality Awards
Take a few minutes to recognize exceptional caregivers from across the country for their noble and humanitarian service to older adults and individuals with disabilities. Nominations for the awards categories may be submitted by anyone who has knowledge about the exemplary work of the nominee across 12 different award categories to pick from.

The nomination process begins on May 16, 2024. All nominations are to be received by July 15, 2024. The individuals who nominated winners will be notified between August 1st and the 15th, 2024.